
Reputation Management: The Secret Superpower of SEO


Internetzone I Editor

We’ve written many blogs regarding the importance of search engine optimization (SEO) and how it can greatly improve the visibility of any kind of business. But what can it do for the individual?

SEO for people is often only talked about in terms of personal branding, which is regularly confined to discussions relating to influencers and similar professions. However, as one of our more recent clients proves, anyone can leverage SEO to correct any untrue information about them.

Correcting the Record

The internet is full of people with strong opinions. Those opinions can often be wrong but still get recorded and published for public consumption all the same. Our client found themselves facing such a situation when false accusations were published against them. Though said claims were proven false, the articles remained in Google’s index to stain their professional reputation.

When they approached us for a solution we informed them that unfortunately, only the author of the pieces have the power to take down or delete the articles. What we can do however is to use SEO to raise positive content to the top of Google’s SERPs, and push the negative content to the lower pages.

This is a time-intensive process that involves both creating and optimizing multiple pieces of positive content. All in all, the project took 11 months to complete and all of the negative content regarding the client was pushed to the third page of the SERPs.

Our work allowed the client’s reputation to recover enough to gain new employment. This project also provided us with our first five-star Clutch review.

Setting a Record

Thanks to this five-star review, our team came under the radar of a new B2B research platform – Top Design Firms. Specifically, their market research shows that we’ve done enough to be named amongst their list of Top 100 PR Firms.

Not only were we able to reform the reputation of our client, but we were also able to elevate our own in the process. This just shows how connected the industry is and how one great performance can return dividends.

If you are looking for the best digital marketing agency to handle your SEO content, look no further than Internet Zone I. We offer various digital marketing services, including video creation, managed web services, eCommerce services, and others. Contact us today and fill out our quote forms for more information about our specializations.