
Inspiring Web Design Techniques for Your Online Business

fresh and inspiring web site ideas

Internetzone I Editor

Inspiring Web Design Techniques for Your Online BusinessIf you’re in the process of establishing an online business enterprise, your web design is going to need all of your attention – for quite some time, as you put together what is literally your “window to the world.” If your business is entirely online, and you don’t have a physical location or a “wood and concrete” operation, the first impression of your website will tell potential clients and customers pretty much everything they need to know.

Ideally, you should post your entire website on your own server, so you don’t have to rely on the operating hours, rules or regulations of another entity. If you don’t have much experience with coding, choose one of the simplest platforms, allowing you to work on your site without this effort taking up all of your time. If you know that any alterations to your site represent a formidable challenge, you’re much less likely to keep up with its development. Online companies such as iCapitalise can provide you with a very user-friendly option, using a WYSIWYG approach.

It’s essential that you develop an understanding of how the Internet actually works and what it takes to make your website really visible. You will want your website to appear within search results when your prospects search for something that you could provide. This is quite complex, as the search engines themselves utilise a variety of rules to determine what is appropriate and what isn’t. The process of “search engine optimisation” helps you to specify certain appropriate elements of code as well as the overall structure of your site. There are many experts in the prestigious field of website development, and you might want to check out the services of an expert virtual assistant to help you keep up with it. At the very least, you should understand the fundamentals, including what your “keywords” should be and how the content on your page should be developed.

If you remember how you used to write an essay or a thesis in school or college, where you would design and map out your content to ensure a natural progression, then you should apply the same approach to web design. You will have many different pages, with a variety of different topics covering products or services, each of which may spur further pages of associated content. Within the home page you need to have a clear description of your business, with easy to find links giving a logical path of progression for visitors to follow as they seek out your information.

Visitors rarely take the time to read all the information on your page, and this is where the term “surfing” originated. It’s said that most people tend to look for “frequently asked questions” and other areas that they can scan through quickly to get the gist of what you’re offering. Therefore, don’t forget to compile a FAQ and link to it prominently.

A blog is a very important part of an online strategy initiative, and you would do well to include one within your website. Social media is becoming very important as we go on, and your blog represents an opportunity for you to update daily news and information for prospects and interested parties. You should always ensure that you stay on top of your blog with current and up-to-date postings, and develop a close bond between yourself and any visitors which show up. If you’re clever about the type of content you include, you could end up creating your own social “buzz.”

Even though you may only have an online presence, visitors will be looking for reassurance before they do business with you, and because of this, you should include your contact details in a visible position for when this trust is established. Take a photograph or two of the owner and key staff, as this helps to add a human touch to your site. The customer service contact number is essential and a physical address is highly recommended.

Once your website is up-and-running, make sure that it’s maintained on a very regular basis. You should learn as much as you can about professional SEO, and get to know software packages that allow you to analyse your visitors. The analytics program accessed via the Google website is a great and free tool, enabling you to set up goals and events that can help you to see whether certain promotions are working for you.

Michelle Dale is The Managing Director of Virtual Miss Friday, an accomplished Executive Virtual Assistant Service which helps companies of all sizes reach their commercial targets. Want to get more information about online business building success strategies that really work? Then why not Contact VMF Today